Feb 17, 2015

Kumpulan Kata - Kata Ucapan Imlek 2015 bahasa inggris

temen temen kali ini kamar204 akan share sedikit kata - kata ucapan selamat baru raya imlek di tahun 2015 ini, yang bisa kalian ucapkan sama pacar, orang tua, saudara atau orang terdekat yang kamu sayangi.

I hope your new year begins with a smile and a clean heart.
"Gong xi fa cai." Happy always

Finally, I had no need to bother - bother looking for you to say
"Gong Xi Fa Cai" because SMS is fairly represent myself that far sight but close at heart, right?

When the clock is addressed at 12 midnight!
means that we must be ready to face the new year.
good luck with you. "Gong Xi Fa Cai."

Reach for the stars in this new year's eve,
What may be the desire can be achieved. "Gong xi fa cai"

in this new year of happiness and excitement may accompany your days.
"Gog Xi Fa Cai"

After you receive this SMS I hope the new year brings happiness and luck to you. "Gong Xi Fa Cai"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai" I hope this new year, Our friendship would be better because a lot of similarities between us

itulah beberapa kata - kata selamat untuk di ucapkan di hari raya imlek tahun ini, semoga bisa membantu kamu untuk yang sedang mencari  Kumpulan Kata - Kata Ucapan Imlek 2015 . terimakasih. baca juga koleksi lagu hari raya imlek

Kumpulan Kata - Kata Ucapan Imlek 2015 bahasa inggris Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Andro-POP

